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Administrative and authoritative activity

Around one in ten requests to the Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency are from people who experienced discrimination when dealing with offices and public authorities, for instance at job centres, registry offices or by judiciary bodies.

Those affected report that their applications are dragged out because of their gender identity, they are treated in a particularly unfriendly manner on account of their background or that a lack of physical or communicative accessibility makes it hard for them to access offices or public authorities.

Moreover, citizens sometimes also feel discriminated against by statutory regulations and their application. This applies, for instance, to people with disabilities through regulations in the field of integration assistance and statutory health insurance funds, or to foreign nationals through the foreigners authority's application of the law.

While discrimination in the context of State activities is also generally prohibited under Article 3 of the Basic Law (German: GG), the broader protection by the General Equal Treatment Act (German abbreviation: AGG) does not apply in these cases. Here, the protection from discrimination afforded by the AGG needs to be extended to include the State sector and the protection from discrimination has to be strengthened by the Federal Länder adopting anti-discrimination laws.

The Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency offers a series of studies and legal assessments on these topics.

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