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Porträtaufnahme von Ferda Ataman, Unabhängige Bundesbeauftragte für Antidiskriminierung. Sie hat dunkles, halblanges, gewelltes Haar, braune Augen und trägt große silberne Ohrringe

Ferda Ataman, Unabhängige Bundesbeauftragte für Antidiskriminierung

Source:Steffen Kugler / Bundespresseamt

Ferda Ataman is the Independent Federal Commissioner for Anti-Discrimination and has been leading the Federal
Anti-Discrimination Agency since 2022.

Ataman is a political scientist and journalist. Her work focuses on migration, inclusion, and discrimination. Before
taking office, she worked at the Ministry for Generations, Family, Women and Integration in North Rhine-Westphalia, at the Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency, and as a journalist, publicist, and consultant.

Ataman has also volunteered as founder and chairperson of associations committed to promoting diversity and
inclusive participation in a migration society.