Our tasks
The Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency is an independent federal agency promoting equal treatment at work and in everyday life.
The agency, which was established in 2006 on the basis of the General Act on Equal Treatment (AGG) at the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, has 35 employees. The Act protects people from discrimination on racist grounds or on grounds of ethnic origin, religion or ideology, sexual orientation, gender, age or a disability in the areas of employment and work as well as in daily affairs such as shopping, banking transactions, restaurant visits or when looking for a flat.
One of our main tasks is to offer counselling for people who have experienced or observed discrimination. We provide initial legal advice to people who have been discriminated against. This includes, in particular,
- informing about claims under the General Act on Equal Treatment;
- showing up legal options under statutory anti-discrimination regulations;
- referring to other bodies for advice and
- seeking amicable agreements between the parties involved.
It is important to know about the forms and the extent of discrimination in order to be able to develop (preventive) measures and, thus, to be able to combat discrimination in the long term. As part of our research work, we analyse academic publications on the issue of discrimination and provide recommendations for action. In addition, we point out gaps in research and award contracts for conducting academic studies and field projects aimed to make discrimination visible and to prevent and eliminate it.
Every four years, the Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency, together with the competent commissioners of the German Bundestag and the Federal Government, submits a report to the German Bundestag detailing cases of discrimination. The reports give an overview of the forms of discrimination on the above grounds and provide recommendations on how to avoid and eliminate discrimination.
Through our public relations work, we inform people about their rights in cases of discrimination and raise awareness of various forms of discrimination.
Apart from our website, we use multiple channels to do so: facebook, Instagram, flyers, guides and brochures, posters and postcards, seminars and workshops. We also welcome visitor groups. We work along with anti-discrimination bodies at European, federal, state or regional level to protect people from discrimination. We are a member of EQUINET, the association of European anti-discrimination bodies.