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Information on data protection

General information

Pursuant to section 27 of the General Act on Equal Treatment (Allgemeines Gleichbehandlungsgesetz/AGG), one of the tasks of the Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency at the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth involves counselling persons who perceive themselves to be discriminated against under any of the grounds listed in section 1 of the AGG. In addition, the Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency is responsible for the following: Informing the public about their work, providing information, carrying out specialist events, implementing measures to prevent discrimination and conducting scientific studies on these, as well as submitting reports to the German Bundestag. When personal data is processed in the context of these activities, this is carried out on the basis of the legal provisions, above all the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the German Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG).

Personal data refers to all information relating to a person who has either already been identified or who can be identified through this information. Identifiability may either result by combining available information or incorporating additional measures, the assigning of a specific name identifier, identification number, location data, online identification data or through research in publicly accessible information pools such as databases, libraries or the internet. Persons under the age of 16 should not provide personal data without their parents’ or legal guardians’ consent.

Name and contact details of the Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency’s Data Protection Officer

Data Protection Officer for the State Secretary of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth
D-11018 Berlin
Telephone: +49 (0) 800 546 546 5

Recipients of personal data

Materna GmbH, Dortmund (hosting and operation processor)
Federal Office of Family Affairs and Civil Society Functions (Bundesamt für Familie und zivilgesellschaftliche Aufgaben), Cologne (event management processor)
IBRo Versandservice GmbH, Roggentin (publication orders processor)
GVP Gemeinnützige Werkstätten Bonn GmbH | diekonfektionierer® , Bonn (publication dispatch processor)
Yomma GmbH, Hamburg (sign language contact processor)

What data is processed when I visit this website?

Log files

Each time our online offering is accessed or a file is retrieved, the following data related to this process is temporarily stored in a log file, for security reasons.

  • Date and time of retrieval (time stamp)
  • Details of request and destination address (protocol version, HTTP method, referrer, User-Agent string)
  • Name of retrieved file and amount of data transferred (requested URL incl. query string, byte size)
  • Report on whether processing request was successful (HTTP Status Code)

The legal basis is Article 6 (1) letter e, subsection (2) of the GDPR in conjunction with section 5 of the Act on the Federal Office for Information Security. To protect against attacks on its internet infrastructure, the Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency is obligated to store these data.

The user’s IP address is not stored in this context. Log data are held for 30 days.

Web analysis

To better tailor this online offering to users' needs, usage information is statistically evaluated. The software places cookies on visitors’ computers. If a specific page on this site is called up, the following data are recorded:

  • IP address (truncated and pseudonymised)
  • Operating system and browser
  • URL accessed
  • Website through which the page accessed was reached
  • Subpages the accessed website opened
  • Time spent on the website
  • Search items entered
  • Downloaded PDF files
  • Visit frequency

The legal basis is Article 6 letter e, subsection (2) of the GDPR in conjunction with section 27 of the General Act on Equal Treatment as well as section 3 of the Federal Data Protection Act (continued optimisation of the online offering to fulfil the task within the framework of the mandate).

The Matomo statistics program respects the browser’s DoNotTrack setting if deliberately selected by the user.

You can decide here whether a unique web analysis cookie may be placed in your browser to allow the website operator to collect and analyse various statistical data. If you wish to opt out (after you decided to opt in), please select the appropriate option to place the Matomo deactivation cookie in your browser.

Ordering publications

If you wish to order a printed publication, it is first placed in your “shopping cart”. A so-called session cookie is placed on your browser. This cookie is deleted once your session terminates. If you wish to order the publication(s) in your shopping cart and have it/them delivered to you, the following personal data are processed:

  • First and surname;
  • Address (street, house no., postcode, city).

The legal basis for the processing of data is Article 6 (1) letter e, subsection (2) of the GDPR in conjunction with section 27 of the General Equal Treatment Act and section 3 of the Federal Data Protection Act (to fulfil the task within the framework of the mandate) or Article 6 (1) letter b of the GDPR (to fulfil a contract between the orderer and the Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency). Personal data are deleted 90 days after the ordered publications are sent, or when the contract is fulfilled.

Newsletter subscription (only available in German)

When subscribing to the newsletter of the Anti-Discrimination Agency, the following personal data are processed:

  • Email address (insofar as personally identifiable);
  • Surname and first name (voluntary).

The legal basis for the processing of data is Article 6 (1) letter e, subsection (2) of the GDPR in connection with section 27 of the General Equal Treatment Act and section 3 of the Federal Data Protection Act (fulfilment of the mandate provided by the Anti-Discrimination Agency). The subscription can be cancelled at any time. This will irrevocably delete all personal data.

Links to social networks

In some places, this website provides links to the Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency’s social network channels on Instagram, Facebook and Youtube. The Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency expressly points out that utilising the share feature and visiting our social network channels transmits personal data to the respective social networks. These services store and process personal data according to their data usage policies for commercial purposes, whereby storage might also take place outside of the Member States of the European Union. The Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency has no influence on the collection and further use of data by the social networks. This means that no information is available on how much data is stored where or for how long, to what extent the networks abide by their deletion duties, what evaluations and links are carried out with the data and to whom the data is passed on.

Contacting the Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency

If you wish to write us or contact us electronically, the legal basis for processing your personal data is Article 6 (1) letter e, subsection (2) of the GDPR in connection with section 27 of the General Equal Treatment Act and section 3 of the Federal Data Protection Act (fulfilment of a task within its competence) as well as Article 9 (2) letter h (4) of the GDPR in conjunction with section 22 (1) number 2 letter a of the Federal Data Protection Act (exercise of rights and implementation of duties from social security and social protection legislation). The personal data are deleted if they are no longer needed to fulfil the Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency’s tasks, or in accordance with the regulations in force on the obligation to keep records.

What personal data are processed when the Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency is contacted depends on the type of service being used, the channel of communication and the content of the information submitted.

Contact form “Advice in case of discrimination”/using counselling services

You can send messages to the Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency using the contact form entitled “Advice in case of discrimination” on this website. This message is transmitted directly to the counselling team. In individual cases, messages are passed on to the specialist departments at the Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency that are responsible for responding (in more detail).

When using the contact form, the following personal data are processed:

  • Email address (insofar as personally identifiable)
  • if applicable, surname and first name (voluntary)
  • the characteristic to which the discrimination applied
  • the area in which the discrimination occurred
  • if applicable, personal details contained in the text of the message.

Insofar as the Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency has your consent to request that persons involved provide a statement for the purposes of attaining an amicable solution (section 27 (2) number 3, and section 28 (1) of the General Equal Treatment Act), your data will be transferred to the persons involved.

Sending a message to the email address or postal address

It is also possible to get in contact via the Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency’s email or postal address. In these cases, personal data provided in the message and/or text are processed.

Online consultation in sign language (only available in German sign language)

If you use the Signing Question and Answer Tool (SQAT) for communication in sign language, your data will be passed on to yomma GmbH in Hamburg for translation from sign language into written language. yomma has been tasked by the Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency to do so and only processes your data upon instruction (request processing). In the process, all data are transferred in encrypted form. At the latest after six months, video data generated by requests via SQAT and stored at yomma GmbH are irrevocably erased.

Attending events by the Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency

In organising the Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency’s specialist events, personal data are processed for the administrative handling of the event and for reasons of security. In particular, these may include:

  • Surname, first name
  • if applicable, job title and rol
  • if applicable, sending agency
  • if applicable, address and contact details

The legal basis for the processing of data is Article 6 (1) sentence 1 letter e of the GDPR in connection with section 27 of the General Equal Treatment Act as well as section 3 of the Federal Data Protection Act. The personal data are deleted if they are no longer needed to fulfil the Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency’s tasks, or in accordance with the regulations in force on the obligation to keep records.

What rights do the data subjects possess?

Insofar as your personal data are processed by the Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency or a processor, you are the data subject within the meaning of the GDPR. In this respect, you possess the following rights vis-a-vis the Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency as controller within the meaning of the GDPR:

  • Right to information (Article 15 of the GDPR)
  • Right to rectification (Article 16 of the GDPR)
  • Right to erasure (Article 17 of the GDPR)
  • Right to restriction of processing (Article 18 of the GDPR)
  • Right to data portability (Article 20 of the GDPR)
  • Right to object (Article 21 of the GDPR)

Where the processing of personal data is based on provided consent (Article 6 (1) letter a of the GDPR), data subjects may revoke that consent. The legitimacy of processing remains unaffected until such time as consent is revoked (Article 7 (3) of the GDPR).

Furthermore, data subjects have the right to submit a complaint to the data protection supervisory authority under Article 77 of the GDPR. The supervisory authority responsible for the Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency is the Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information.

Der Bundesbeauftragte für den Datenschutz und die Informationsfreiheit
Husarenstraße 30
D-53117 Bonn
Phone: +49 (0)228-997799-0
Fax: +49 (0)228-997799-5550