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1. What can I do if I feel discriminated against by the conduct of staff of public authorities?

If you wish for the conduct of someone working in public administration to be examined, you can lodge an official disciplinary complaint.

What is an official disciplinary complaint?

Citizens can lodge an official disciplinary complaint to defend themselves against the misconduct of individual public service employees, including, for instance, job centre or police staff. There are no formal requirements or time limits to be observed. The official disciplinary complaint is submitted to the supervisory authority. That is the public authority employing the person who showed the discriminatory conduct. The official disciplinary complaint must be received and reviewed by the competent body. If it recognizes the criticism, it can take measures such as disciplinary action to modify the employee’s conduct.

If you would like to lodge an official disciplinary complaint, you can fill in and submit this template:

Sample letter of a disciplinary complaint (only in German)

Instructions for filling out a supervision complaint (only in German)