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1. In which spheres of life does the General Equal Treatment Act protect against gender-based discrimination?

Differences in treatment on grounds of gender are prohibited. The General Equal Treatment Act (German abbreviation: AGG) above all protects from discrimination on grounds of gender in working life and in some private legal transactions. In working life, this involves certain duties on the employer. They must ensure gender equality in the recruitment process, during employment and in the case of dismissal. Unequal treatment in private legal transactions, specifically bulk business transactions and insurances under private law, is prohibited. Bulk business transactions might, for example, visits to the restaurant, club, barber’s or hairdresser’s. In addition to the protection from discrimination, the General Equal Treatment Act (German abbreviation: AGG) also explicitly provides for positive action to promote disadvantaged groups. Positive action can offset existing (structural) disadvantages. This can include, for instance, special promotion programmes or women-only parking spaces.